m ^. sLeepysLeep .^
Monday, September 27, 2004
Humming: 南拳媽媽 - 小時後 [Nan Quan Mama - Childhood]
幻想長大以後 能實現從前做過的美夢
不知該要往哪走 還是停在原地一動也不動

heard some radio djs from different radio stations mentioning something like 'living in a fast-paced society, not much ppl will actually stop for awhile to take a look at the beautiful sky.' recently and i agree.
i do enjoy admiring the transformations of the clouds in the sky, day & night but i didnt always do that too. in fast-paced society, we do need to take a break and relax. enjoying the skies and moonlights can be one easy way to relax =)) coz nature is the most beautiful thing on earth.

was thinking that when i was young, i had many many diff ambitions. teacher, police officer, archietecture, bartender, chef, swimming instructor, life guard, crime scene investigator and more.. but i am none of them now.
was wondering if human race life span can be like thousand years old, i might have the chance to do everything i want but i dont think so coz it's not possible.

heard this song recently and i like it alot & i didnt know is by a band by the name of nan quan mama. Hah! initially i thought that band is a 'rock' band but now i realise that 'childhood' & 'home' by them is super nice!
well sometime i really wonder what's my goal in life.
When I was young, I used to look out at the sky,
And imagine that myself realising my dreams when I grow up.
But I grew up, I realised that the real world is different,
I am without direction, I have no idea where to proceed or whether stay as I am
- Nan Quan Mama - Childhood
eEee but sometimes i was thinking to myself that i should adore the lyrics writer and music composer instead! hehee =X

sLeep zZzzz @ 14:44 | 0 comments

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Humming: 周杰伦 - 外婆 [Jay Chow - Grandma]
我难过 却不是因为没得奖而难过
我失落 是因为看到外婆失落而失落

我没输 不需要改变
表哥说不要觉得可惜 这只是一场游戏
只要外婆觉得好听 那才是一种鼓励
浅浅的笑容 就让我感到比得奖它还要光荣
- such disappointment can happened anywhere, anytime, diff cause, diff scenario.

got a bruise on my arm now from yesterday blood donation.
i didnt know that we need to drink more water before donation, ok might be applicable to me only due to the fact that i dont drink much water daily which is very bad. sO i must practise drink at least 1L of water daily.
why more water? coz the nurse there said my blood was very thick, thus the flow of blood is slow. but i think is due to the fact that my needle was slightly 'shifted' from the original position that coz the 'slow' flow of blood. staff nurse did adjust the needle but hahaa, for the last test-tube of blood to be collected for blood test, it was like totally no flow. abit pengz as in, a needle poke into my vein and my body had no blood to flow out.
but well it will be better next time i guess =) 1st donation i made years ago wasnt so unlucky whahaa!

blood can save ppl lives.
for operation, for accident, for emergency case, for many uses!

sLeep zZzzz @ 11:07 | 0 comments

Friday, September 03, 2004
Humming: Fatboy Slim - Praise You
We've come a long, long way together
Through the hard times, and the good
I have to - celebrate you, baby
I have to praise you like I should...

new collegue is coming over this monday, vV & me were busy rearranging those Pcs, cleaning those dirty sticky cables, clearing up our stuff etc etc after work. woooh! time pass super fast till it was already 2100++ and we were very tired & hungry!! hahaha, supervisor was still ard too and offer to treat us dinner =) whahaa! since it was late, and cant think of any places with late last order, we went china jump!

known this place since yrs ago but was the 1st time there last night. erm ok i'm not those clubber so even though i know such places but didnt went there before but anyway also cant get in whahaa age limit is 25 for all gender. erm, remember it was lower for women last time. the ambrience outside china jump is quite good, 'good' food with nice music. well, the calamaries were a little tricky, they were trying to workout vV & mine jaws!

we chatted on topics from pplz till dreamz. i am always fanscinated with dreams, always wonder why are there dreams? why do we dreamt of those strange, funny encounter, why is it so real sometimes? we were sharing our strange, creepy dreams & some were really creepy till had those 'ghost-story telling session' feeling instead of dreams-telling session ahaha. with the 7th ghostie month atmosphere, it is really shiok! =D

sLeep zZzzz @ 11:10 | 3 comments

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