Friday, December 31, 2004
wasnt a very good year to end with such a big tragedy and many ppl were still in search of their family members who were still missing, many were still trying to retrieved their relative's bodies.
but i truely hoped that it will be a better year for everyone of us.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
The makers and stars behind the runaway hit of 2000, Meet the Parents, are re-united-and joined by some formidable future in-laws-in the the follow-up comedy, Meet the Fockers. Now that Greg Focker (Stiller) is "in" with his soon-to-be in-laws, Jack (De Niro) and Dina (Danner) Byrnes, it looks like smooth sailing for him and his fiancée, Pam (Polo). But that's before Pam's parents meet Greg's parents, Bernie and Roz Focker (Hoffman and Streisand). The hyper-relaxed Fockers and the tightly-wound Byrneses are woefully mismatched from the start, and no matter how hard Greg and Pam try, there is just no bringing their families together-which all adds up to a disastrously funny time of "getting to know you."
extract from
funny comedy sequel to Meet the Parent
Little Jack:
assss.... hoooooooooLe
JacK: Hey, I thought I heard LJ speaking his first word!
Greg: Errr...!
aLL running to kiddie's room
Little Jack: assss.... hoooooooooLe
Monday, December 27, 2004 when lotsa ppl were in the mist of xmas celebration/holidaying @ many beach resorts in southern-thailand [phuket], the world biggest earthquake in 40 years happened and developed deadly tsunami that ended many thousand of ppl's lives. india, indonesia, malaysia, sri lanka were countries that were badly affected too with the lost of many lives.
watched many new reports and updates and cant help feeling sad for those ppl that had lost their family and friends. i cant help much, but to hope that they can get on with their life bravely soon.
sLeep zZzzz @ 02:28
Thursday, December 23, 2004
i decLare that i am not a chiongster!
oK, i knew that everyone that know me knew that i am not a chiongster coz:
i dont drink, i dont smoke, i dont dance and it defeat the purpose of going clubbing.. and the last time i went clubbing was like in poly year one?
yesterday, there was a gathering for mQ's bday/xmas celebration.
initially i thought is the usual 4-pplz gathering but somehow, dont know who contacted more ppl to go and sS is sooooOoo hyper-active that night that kept jioing them to go clubbing & in the end, i was in the mini-sch-bus with sS driving on the way to mdm wong hah!
sS tempted me to go there to gossip saying that weekday not much ppl thus not much smoke blah blah.. in the end, i ended up swaying like a wooden stiff block during the 1st 30-45mins.
not a wasted trip afterall, coz something happened and we kept teasing Rg all the way home lol! and yes, agreed with Js that it's cool to broad a mini-sch-bus after a clubbing session hahaa!
but, i concluded that the 3 main reasons of not going clubbing is no kick as compared to the cigarette-smell that lingered in my hair for like 3-4 days! *faintz*
no joke, mummy had verified that my nose is not the one playing trick on me..
sLeep zZzzz @ 14:34
Monday, December 20, 2004
erm, i wonder why i had soooOooo many 'nightmare' this yr. dont really had 'nightmare' except when i was young and kiddie's nightmare only revolves ard strangers/monsters wanna kidnapped me or whatever..
but during this recently mths had been dreaming of friends meeting some mishaps leading to death.. argggh!! cant stop dreaming of such issue? thought is not likely to happen in the near future but i had a great headache after such 'nightmare'!
ok, once someone told me that it will be good to tell other ppl abt the bad dreams u had for example family members or friends dying.. coz it will not come true.
but i think it is to reduce the 'stress' by chatting up with ppl and when u felt more relieved, u will not think too much on it which might lead to some post-nightmare-depression syndrome? haha! =P
sLeep zZzzz @ 15:04
Friday, December 10, 2004
Chance upon some quotes awhile ago..
Suicide is not a remedy.
-James A. Garfield
To save a man's life against his will is the same as killing him
The value of life is not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may live long yet very little
sLeep zZzzz @ 10:10
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Yeah!! 1 Day Tour to Desaru..
It's a trip organised by xX's company with vV, kT and me tagging along coz there's still 3 vacancies available ahahahAaaa!!! with xX mum and bf too ehehee!
It was kT's 1st trip out of sPore since his passport expired years ago when he's still a little kid! LoL!! thus its our 1st overseas trip too! =P
-Desaru Fruit Farm
saw lotsa fruits in the coach but we didnt really have a walk through but had a short honey 'seminar' with some samples for us to taste.. but those honey is eX.. thus we didnt buy any.. but Lesson learnt: pls to not put ur honey in ur fridge! those minerals will be loss! oK i only know that we cant use hot water and metal spoon to handle honey ehehe! i didnt know cant put honey in fridge!
-Ostrich Farm
woh! lotsa ostrich and i didnt know that ostrich had somehow become a chicken, pork, cow etc already! their meats, eggs, other body parts are used as food, feather, egg-shell as decorative items.. actually felt sad to see those ostriches w/o much feather on them.
do u know, ppl under 100kg can stand on the egg w/o breaking it! amazing! when i look @ the eggs i believe they used ostrich eggs in Jussaric Park ahhaa!
as kT is a egg-fanatic! he loves to eat egg and bought a ostrich egg back to sPore to try! and i bought a light-bulb stand @ 10 riggit to used it with the egg shell as table lamp. [dont waste mah, since already bought one egg back @ 40 riggits]
i didnt really dare to eat the egg @ 1st coz when i see the egg yolk, it was like soooooo enormous groSs! but actually taste the same as chicken egg and they claim thay ostrich egg are better, less calories or cholesterol etc etc blah blah..
sLeep zZzzz @ 09:26
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Loving You - Minnie Riperton
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason same bridget. brand new diary osT
Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful,
and making love with you is all I wanna do.
Loving you is more then just a dream come true,
and everything that I do is out of loving you.
la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la do do doo ohhhhhhhh
No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring.
Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in the springtime.
'Cause loving you has made my life so beautiful,
and everyday of my life is filled with loving you.
Loving you, I see your soul come shining through,
and everytime that we, oohh..
I'm more in love with you.
la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la do do doo ohhhhhhhh
No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring,
Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in the springtime.
'Cause loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful,
and every day of my life is filled with loving you.
Loving you, I see your soul come shining through,
and everytime that we, oohh..
I'm more in love with you.
la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la la
la, do do do doo...oohhhhh.
Renée Zellweger, Hugh Grant and Colin Firth all reprising the roles they originated in Bridget Jones's Diary. In this follow-up to the worldwide hit, we find Bridget where we left her--blissful and besotted in the arms of gorgeous lawyer Mark Darcy (Firth). Mark is accomplished, supportive and tolerant of (nearly) all of Bridget's tiny jealousies--why wouldn't every woman in London, including Mark's new long-legged, drop-dead, "I-always-say-the-right-thing-at-all-times" intern, want to lure him away from the plumpish, opinionated, sometimes inappropriate Bridget? With the entry of the leggy threat, Bridget's pink clouds begin to turn gray as her attacks of self-doubt sorely test her relationship with Darcy. And just when it seems that the waters couldn't get any more choppy, Bridget's former boss, womanizing heartthrob Daniel Cleaver (Grant), sails into view. Ms. Jones careens from embarrassing situation to romantic misunderstanding, still managing to muddle through in this continuation of the trials and tribulations of the working woman who has become the symbolic heroine of 'singletons' everywhere. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason provides a hilarious and touching look at the answer to the question, "What happens after the happy ending?"
extract from
quite a nice romance comedy sequel to Bridget Jones' Diary.
some touching scene::
when Bridget knew the truth that Mark Darcy went through all the trouble to get her out out of jail
the scene when Bridget is waiting for the result of the pregnancy test; and they are like a happy parent already
and most importantly, they loved each other for who they are.. =))
sLeep zZzzz @ 01:51