m ^. sLeepysLeep .^
Friday, August 13, 2004
Humming: 林俊杰 - 距离 [JJ Lim - Distance]
在距离三公里的位置 我在这里 想象心中的你的呼吸
同样的熄着灯的窗子 你在那里 听不到我呼吸着分离

保留着三公分的距离 我的眼里 填满着整个我爱的你
坐在同一张四方桌子边 你的眼里 读不到眷着我的讯息

i can smell weekend, but still gotta work tmr, ultra sian.
Yes! finally my blocked nose had been cleared but something is wrong, there is still slight running going on. i'm so WEAK!
argh! had been seeing this term so much recently during mudding time. *bish them* superclass CQR, WEA is WEA[K]! i'm the one that is WeaK, mudding.. physically..

Monday, August 09, 2004
had thought of a blog title for the day
sudden craving for geylang durian on national day is a big NO NO!

yes especially when i forgot that by the time we cycled there, it will be ard the same time where the crowd will be out of the national stadium! the busstops suddenly transformed into sweet sugar thingy where all the red ants are attracted to!
after much difficulties making our way through the vehicles and pplz, finally ended my butt on a durian stall's seat. but the durians wasn’t as great as the time i went with my colleagues & family. booOoo..

oops @ this rate i will never get fitter! fatter instead ahahhaa~!

Sunday, August 08, 2004
hapPy bDay Han!
hOpe u will adapt to uni lifestyle soon. its not easy for the start of everything, but u will soon get used to it. Dont worry too much, will get to know more friends in the every near future & maybe a bF!? whahah! Good LucK!!

Saturday, August 07, 2004
Hohohooho! cycled to Jalan Kyu for prata @ ard 2300, cool! always felt cycling @ nite is the best w/o much buzzing vehicles, cool night breeze on da face etc. and the road there is easy, lotsa downslopes to & fro.
upon reaching, i had order a honey prata w/o knowing what will it be. it was made into a crispy cone shaped with honey coated on it. had the malt-sugar instead of honey feeling when eating it, quite yummy! but i think it was quite pricey, $3 each.

sneak to jalan kyu w/o notifying my parent hahaa just told them we go cycling for a while. knew that will get nagging from dad if he knew it but still i made a phone call home.

zZz: Err papa, wanna eat prata?
Dad: You @ Jalan Kyu ah!
zZz: sO clever!
Dad: the road there is so dangerous & dark, blah blah *next milli second, away from phone* aeh, want prata or not.

hehhee guess my parent will never stop their concern over us but knowing that we are old enough to know what it ok, safe, right, correct etc, thus they will let us do whatever we want. =))

Friday, August 06, 2004
HOhoho! my dad praise my cooking tonight! he said the potatoe with meat is nice!! felt like a little happy housewife! wonder if my mum felt the same when i commented i loved some of her dishes very much.
maybe it's the usage of meat instead of dried shrimps [mum cant eat seafood for the next month or so] that makes the dish taste better or is it the different way of cutting the potatoe [diced instead of slicing] that make it nicer?
but it doesn’t matter coz i am happy! woohoooo!

Thursday, August 05, 2004
hohohohh finally went down to the bicycle stall that's near the supreme?? court to buy 2 cheapest bikes there which coz ard $225 each? well as long as the bicycle can move its a good bicycle? derived from the 'no matter is it white cat or black cat, as long as it can catch mouses it's a good cat' quote *duhz*
ok the shopkeeper said that we make them convenient by sending the bikes to one location only thus they gave as 2 free backlights at the cost of $13+ each. wondering if everyone get it free but knowing that we are the 1st timer there, thus told us that they gave us free coz we make their job easier. *ponder ponder* but they gave us further discount of like $5 off each bike & ard 2-3 bucks for each lock.

yeah! finally had a bike again & can go cycling ard again hohoo!

sLeep zZzzz @ 10:18


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