Friday, October 29, 2004
php, cf, asp, jsp, java, c++, vb, .net, sap, html, xml, ... .. the list goes on..
what the hell is XSL!
sheeeesh... it's been along time since i upgrade myself, i am those lazy type that wouldnt really have the motivation to upgrade myself when i had the free time..
was on the way to wk yesterday and i saw a man holding on to his XML bible, the
thick one with
red cover! and he was like going to loooooook through every pages of that bible of his!
omg! i did bought a thick, red-covered VB bible years ago, coz of the VB self-learning module but guess what! Ooops Ooops.. i didnt really touch it for like 10 times? most of the time is kT the one touching it! hah! but finding those function that is needed for our project only! =P
sian, felt soooo out-dated! boOOOoooOOooooo...
sLeep zZzzz @ 09:09
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
First Love - Hikaru Utada
Your last kiss had the flavor of tabacco
A bitter and sad scent
Where will you be tomorrow at this time?
Who are you thinking of?
You are always gonna be my love
Even if I fall in love with someone else once again
I'll remember to love, you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Now it's still a sad love song
Until I'm able to sing a new song
Time stood still, but it's trying to move once more
Full of things I don't want to forget
I'll surely be crying tomorrow at this time
I'll be thinking of you
You will always be inside my heart
There's always a place just for you
I hope that I have a place in your heart, too
Now and forever you are still the one
Now it's still a sad love song
Until I'm able to sing a new song
You are always gonna be my love
Even if I fall in love with someone else once again
I'll remember to love, you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Now it's still a sad love song
Now and forever
sLeep zZzzz @ 01:44
Monday, October 25, 2004
Hey!! is
'i am david' one of the story book for ur litereture class during ur sec sch times? it's for my sec2 classes during the 2 years of literature =)
i believed i am those that will always find it hard to cope, understand my subjects during the process of learning, understanding when it comes to tests, exams, projects and stuff! but after all is over and i think back, actually it wasnt as tough as i thought =)
'i am david' is one that i thought was sooooo difficult to understand as a literture story but when i read it again a yr after i am free from literature. gosh! it was nice and it was actually easy to understand it =)
now i realise that it
was made into a movie!!!!!!!!!!! and i hope i will be able to catch it on big screen!!!!!~~~~
erm, will island of the blue dolphin be made into movie too? erm i hOpe so! =)))
sLeep zZzzz @ 09:35
Sunday, October 17, 2004
i cant change the disk!!!!!!!!!
shall cont later on thee crap they gave me!!
ok.. after the long wait, below is what the crap i exchanges with that saleguy! but after sooo long, the angry had crease, thus the following might not be as hot as it should be =P
was arranging to go down to jurong point to exchange the butterfly effect for few days but i dont seems to be able to get down to jurong point. and on sunday, friends asked me & kt for few lan-gaming session & initially i wanted to go jurong point myself for the disk exchange. but few hrs before the time to go for the disk exchange, i suggested to kt to call up the place to confirm if we can change the disk else it will be a wasted trip..
kT : hi, i would like to ask if i can change the butterfly effect coz the ending is different from the movie.
GuY: it's the uncut version
zZz to kT: no is not uncut, it's totally different.
GuY: - cont to psycho kt with some craps that the piece of disk is uncut version -
zZz to kT: no is not uncut! it's totally different!
kT : i'll called back again
zZz to kT: aRGh, pass me the phone!
zZz: my friend called earlier to enquire abt the disk change.
GuY: it's the uncut version, with nc16 rating.
zZz: no, it's not! the ending is totally different from the movie ending.
GuY: sorry, u all watch the disk liao. we cant change it for you.
zZz: how i know the ending is different from the movie?!!!!
GuY: - more shitty craps from that guy -
zZz: Call ur management ppl to check on it!!!!
was quite fuming already but not coz i cant change the disk but coz of what the craps that guy gave me!
SHeeeesH!!!! he is indicating that we had watched the disk and we are so desperate to save some money to change for another movie to watch! damn, i wanted to buy the disk is because i love the story plot, especially the ending. and now what i buy is not what i want?!?!
so HOW on earth or heaven AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW IF I DIDNT EVEN WATCHED THE DISK??!!? u mean i am some psychic that can predicted the ending that the vcd shop sells is not the same as the movie? SHEEeeeeSH!!!!!
knowing the chances of getting the disk change is slim thus i shall cont with my crap on how that ediot guy is suppose to do! and i was in a very irritated, annoyed tone
GuY: Hi.
zZz: Yes?!
GuY: you cant change the butterfly effect disk for other movie but u can come back to change the disk.
zZz: what do u mean by i can go back to change the disk but cant change other movie, u mean u have the movie-ending butterfly effect?
GuY: no, u wanted to change the disk so we change it for u.
- after some sorting out on what's the crap he's talking abt!!!! -
zZz: WHAT's THE POINT of going back to ur stall and change back butterfly effect disk with the ending that is different from the movie?!
- I MEAN GUYS! U KNOW WHAT IS HE TRYING TO SAY? practically go back and change the disk as if the disk is spoilt! 'change' b1 to b1??!?!!!!!! -
zZz: You mean ur shop will continue to sell the disk with different ending from the movie and cheat those ppl that want the movie ending without telling them that the ending is different lah.
GuY: Yah. we cant probably watched all the movies we sell.
zZz: then how am i suppose to know that, that's a different ending?!!! u mean out of like 100? 200? movies have different endings!??!!?!!!!!
GuY: alot ppl buy the disk but only u complaint.
zZz: Yah lah! i watched the movie! like the ending! and buy the disk for collection!?!!!! later to find the different ending?!!! Go ask those ppl that watched the movie lah!
zZz: sO what if alot ppl come back to complaint about the different ending!?!
- how am i suppose to know if there's more complaint beside me & who knows i might be the 1000000th person to complaint but with the same treatment? but i just wanna know how the guy deal with such prob! -
GuY: depend on management if they want to change the disk.
zZz: sO if alot ppl complaint and if ur management let the ppl change the disk then will u contract me?
GuY: Maybe.
zZz: MAYBE! u mean if more ppl come to complaint and ur management let them change the disk and u will only MAYBE call me lah? this is very unfair to me ok!
GuY: okok i will contact u.
zZz: so u confirm that u will contact me one ah!
- how on earth am i suppose to know if he will contract me duhz -
GuY: yah.
zZz: what's ur name! [in a fierce tone]
GuY: M.... [i am kind enough to protect that guy name ok!]
zZz: ok! thanx! bye!
after the fuming session with that ediot guy that thinks that i am so desperate to save some money to change for other disk!, my tummy-ache is gone and i proceed for the lan gaming session..
very unhappy that the damn stall sold the different ending! shit! now i wonder if there's any stall that sell the correct version!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHZzzzzzz
yes! 1st step to be a shrew!!!! and i think there's lotsa room for improvement hehee!
many ppl commented, how are u suppose to know there's different ending if u didnt watch the disk?! aiya! u should ask the management ppl to call u!!
ok, conclusion that guy is super unlucky to meet me and gave me craps when i am having a tummy-ache.
sLeep zZzzz @ 17:41
Friday, October 15, 2004
Humming: 周杰伦 - 反方向的钟 [Jay Chow - Anti Clockwise]
从反方向 开始移动
回到当初爱你的时空 停格内容不忠
所有回忆对著我进攻 我的伤口 被你拆封
誓言太沉重泪被纵容 脸上汹涌 失控
i had wrote alot of rants actually but, in the end..
saw some kiddies erasers on yammy's desk last night, thinking should be my mum who bought them and gave her coz it's one of her hobbies when she's young. out of curiosity, i took and have a look and saw the pricing. suddenly a thought triggered me off once again.
am i spending more money when i earn more? YES, even the values of those kiddies stuff that i used to find them super expensive had lowered.
i had gradually forgotten that those stuffs used to be very expensive. gradually forgotten that i need to save up sooOooo hard to have a macDonald meal. gradually forgotten that even when i get very little pocket money when i am small, i still can manage to save damn hard to fork out my tuition fee when my wallet was pick-pocketed. Yes, i had gradually forgotten all these and i felt bad about it.
sLeep zZzzz @ 17:36
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
got to know this unkymood link ages ago from yammy's site but i am tooooo lazy to create acct, etc etc to view those cute, funny, nice unkymoods! here's some that i like.. |
Hey! did you see the evil grinz? whaha! looked like me whenever i go lan-gaming beating/pinching out the hell of my friends whenever they 'bully' me! |
and they will look like this at the end of the gaming session. WAHahaAHAHAhhhaaaa!!!!! |
its so amazing that different pplz had similar ideas on certain things. my friend drew a similar pic on our yearbook to represent a friend as a joke & there's a tall version. heeee, will dig out the yearbook and scan if i can =) |
sLeep zZzzz @ 09:59
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Humming: Kim Hyun Chul - Must Say Goodbye [Il'Mare Soundtrack]
Release me, I know the only way
To reach me, that is the way that it should be
So free me from all your memories
I know we must say goodbye
We must say goodbye
If you belong in this world
Then I know we’ll take the step to every road
Now alone, I realize you’re far ahead
Without knowing you were there still in my heart
I know we must say goodbye
We must say goodbye
Release me, I know the only way
To reach me, that is the way that it should be
So free me from all your memories
I know we must say goodbye
We must say goodbye
Can’t we belong in this world
Then I’m sure you’d take me to your every road
Just one thin, not realizing you were there
Without knowing you were there still in your heart
I know we must say goodbye
We must say goodbye
I know we must say goodbye
Must we say goodbye
yammy forgot her laptop on sunday night, thus joined my parent to meet up with her for dinner @ jurong point last night. i was earlier & i wandered into a vcd shop and i saw il'mare & butterfly effect!!!! WOOOOOOhhhhhhhOOOoooooo! i had been hunting for il'mare for quite long and i thought it had extinct but i managed to find it last night with butterfly effect for like $12 each. YippppppeeEEeeeeee!
- after watching butterfly effect [vcd version]-
to my HOOOOOoooorrRRrrooooooooOOoRRRrrrrrr!!!!!!
the vcd ending is different from the movie version! OMG!!!!!!! i think i preferred the movie version how!?!?!?!?!?!!? can i go back and change the disk to the version i want? do they have the movie-ending version?!?!?!!
the main different is @ the point when we knew that evan was trying to use the video film that his parents had recorded coz he realised that the journals didnt existed in this round of changing fate. it’s the movie clip that is different!
@ first i thought erm, wasnt in movie maybe these were the scenes in the non-edited extended version?
coz the movie clip bought further back to the time when he's still the unborn in his mummy's tummy. but to my horror it ended there as his mum had a miscarriage and he was gone, thus everything he had done to change the fact had vanished. oooooooooohhhh!!!!! where's the clip that brought evan back to the little party @ his place and screamed at his little lover, kayleigh that later leaded to the different paths in lifes that didnt crossed each other as friends, lovers? he can only send his blessing to his lover deep in his heart when he saw her on the street but knowing that she wouldnt had known him as a friend or even lover?
i preferred the movie version coz @ least everyone is alive, though it's a torment that the guy cant be with that girl. but better than, the guy that didnt even existed before correct?
booooohoooo *teardrops*
the different endings had made me wonder if there's lotsa different endings for this story!
sLeep zZzzz @ 16:13
Monday, October 11, 2004
argh! over a weekend & my body system time had changed again!!!! i cant seems to zZzzz @ like 0230 still! this is not what i want
bOOOOoooooO!!!!!!! i think i should just bang my head on the wall and concussed till my dad wake me up few hours later!
sLeep zZzzz @ 02:25
Friday, October 08, 2004
Humming: 梁静茹 - 中间 [Fish Leung - Center]
看见 那看不见的时间 当我 有了从前
往前 发出声音告诉这世界我想要什么
听见 我已经开始冒险 泪水 流下安慰
哭过的脸 最坚决 放晴的瞬间
may it be man or woman, young or old, pretty or ugly.
another person is in my jerk-list though i didnt even know him personally..
i mean how can a person not classified as a jerk when he can go ard cheating ppl that he's not married when he had ROM like months ago when the girl he newly interested in asked him abt it.
felt like giving him a tight slapz.
the girl only manage to know when the other guy who is also interested in her told her that the jerk is married.
guess what's the excuses the jerk gave when the girl 'confront' him.
jerk: havent go through customary mah.
*spitz!* i am totally disgusted when i heard it from the girl.
& the guy whom told the girl that the jerk is married is very childish!
what?! threaten to disfigured the girl pretty face coz she is more closed to that jerk when she didnt knew that the jerk's a jerk.
wawhhaaa... i guesss lotsa ppl are very confused at the moment but..
whatever, the girl is already attached. booo to those two guys.. *spitz*
sLeep zZzzz @ 01:40
Friday, October 01, 2004
hOme SweeT hOme
Thursday, September 30, 2004
1400 : rOt in the pooL
wahhaaa! was wanting to try and sneak in to www again with the re-entry chop on our arms the night before but vV was too embarrass to try it! imagine if we cant get in & like there's lotsa ppl on duty at that moment. oK, i know it's embarrass but just wanna try it for the sake of fun. oOps was a little mad. & knowing vV will not want to try it, i practically kept harping on the idea of sneaking in. WahahaahaAAAAaa, this time for the sake of irritating vV heheeEEEee, OoohHHhhh, i am eViL! *grinz*
1730 : get my bum off the cozy bed & made our way to tampine kBox
1830 : Light dinner wait while for more singers to join the group
1900 : LiVe conCert!
i think there's some looose wire in my brain coz i was a little mad. Saw Jay's MtV & suddenly a live concert song with his fans screaming his name was echoing in my brain & i joined in! wahhahaaaaa. screamming 'Zhou Jie Lun', 'Lin Jun Jie', 'Liu De Hua' etc like some fans during their concert ouT of entertainment. I guess those fanclub president can consider employing me if their fanclub lack of the volume! LoL..
6 Hours of kTv [best record] so far! and with those screaming & singing my voice was a little hoarse and towards the end of the 6hrs, we selected those 'rock' band songs to sing. Woh, was really prepared for sore throat man.
0200 : sParkLes Time
bored of playing the normal looking stick-like sparkles? u can DYI them into many different interesting stuff! with our creative mind, we had created kite, star, lollipop, hanger, stars, heart, music note, numbering!
magnificent artwork!
Can manage to guess which sparkles is made by me?
i LoVe yOu
Burning hearT
cuTie kiTe
fLying Leaf
Music nOte
TwinkLe TwinkLe
Another Lolli
BurnT Lolli
Spackles spackLes
0300 : bedtime mOvie
0400 : zZzzz..
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
HaPpY BirthDaY vV!!
1000 : Lunchie @ tPss!!!!! *drOoLs*
Here's the yummy food that we 4 adore! tOo bad sS not in spore currently!
1300 : Food Restock
1400 : Check-in
1430 : Wild Wild WeT
Woooh, thanx to supervisor's profit card, we got the chalet at cheaper rate & 2 free admissions to wWw. But to say the truth, $12.50 is a little overly priced for like 4 adult rides? where only one is exciting. hahaa, thus we spent most of the time 'jumping' at the 'tsunami wave' and hoping ard the 'shoik river' due to the fact that we didnt rent any tubes for these events =P
1800 : washing up & relax, relax & dinner time!
no charcoal, no smoke, no ash, no bbq, no sweat
easy dinner with pizza/kfc delivery =))
2100 : caKe cutting & more phoTos
2300 : sparkles time
shooting star?
0100 : bedtime mOvie
0200 : zZzzz
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
tmr will be vV bday and she decided to open a chalet for her family & close friends =) thus, xX, supervisor & me decided to 'sponsor' her chalet & tried means & ways to keep it from her! since she dont wanna tell us what she needs or wants, hope the 'spare cash' she had can be spent on something she likes.
hheheee being in one of the crappy gang member, need to think of some crappy stuff for her bday & gotta complete it before xX off work! using the 'chalet free stay concept', i had come out with a caption and created a 'postcard' for her. thanx for xX idea's & contribution for printing the 'postcard'
Front Page: since she loved harry potter soOooo much.. *grinz*
Back Page: Terms & Conditions to be completed to get the 'reward'!
sLeep zZzzz @ 17:25