Sunday, February 27, 2005
wooooh! kite fLying day!!
remembered years ago when kT was just enlisted as nsf to serve the country which most guys in spOre cant escape, i had a list of activities planned for him to enjoy during the precious weekends when he booked out. but oh well, laziness won times and times again and YES! i didnt bring him to any of the places i had listed down in my mini notebook and.. kite flying @ marina bay was one of them.
had made a suggestion to vV & aL previously that they can go dating @ marina bay ~kite flying. and one fine day, vV 'dated' kt & me out to fly kite @ marina bay with aL. i guess, they might had that idea in mind before my suggestion & as i mention to them before hahaha! they 'dated' the old boring couple to join them. =))
soaring 'high'

coz its a kite-running-session instead due to the lack of wind!

or maybe a tug-a-war!

e old boring coupLe

'happy little kid'

still v.happy..

happy auntie *arghz*

one of my faV photo
vV & aL wanted to sneak shot the 'coupLe' behind, so they 'posed' for me. but i proposely add them into the picture hohooohoo! *look @ their grinz* but wahahhahaa! i got the last grinz coz its a 'yi jian shuang diao' or 'killing 2 birds with 1 stone' [english translation] success sneak shot *eviL grinz*

vV thanx for the date! hahaa! sorta fulfil something i wanna do but lazy to do hehee =P
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:49
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