Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Happy Birthday 2 You..
Happy Birthday 2 You..
Happy Birthday 2 Papa!!
Happy Birthday 2 You..
HappY famiLy mOvie tiMe ~

- oK, i just realised that when i post my post @ midnight.. it will reflect as 1am?!! Duhz!! i fOund a BuG!!
after e daTe with zMonsteroOps woke up late and rushed to meet kT for his bDaY lunchie @ fish&cO -parkMall..
:: Seafood Patter for 2
Platter oF seasOnal fiSh, caLamari, pRawns & musseLs in creamY garLic & LemOn butteR sauCe [changed mussels to another piece of fish]
with complete meal : soup of e day~frenchOnion & beverage~passionFruit
:: JungLe FreeZe
A refreshing thirst quencher w pineappLes, rambuTans & aLL e eXotic fruiTs frOm e TropiCs!
:: PrawnSaLad w Pasta

Ooooh! i had bad experience @ fish&cO-tM but the service here is exceLLent! topUp uR sauces/drinks w/o reQuest.. genuine friendly smiLe on their faces etc.. Thumb-uPs!!
and e PrawnSaLad w Pasta is niCe!!! erm, maybe applicable to me only 8) and i felt aDdicted to it aLready! and i had a taste of the giant freeZe finally, with the generous portion oF seaFood from the Seafood Patter for 2 [mayBe its the exchange oF musseLs tO fiSh that made uS sOooo fuLL haha!]

felt liKe a happY piggie @ the end oF the meaL which is ready fOr slaughter hahaaA

Have U heard oF MagicBean befOre? oKie, that's one oF the pressies i gave kayTeck

well that's the end of piggie's enjOyment..
reach hM @ 1500+ and was like a Mad pig running ard e fLat.. clearing/packing my room. timeUp! but only 75% done thuS i gotta cont afTer the reunion dinneR! =| that's the consequences for being Lazy and left the packing to the very last minuTe!!
sOon, we were on our waY to grannY hse for our annuaL reunion dinneR!
great food! great companions! great heaT! -_-"
aLthough the heat is nearLy quite unbearable, but i loved having the annual steamboat renioun dinner @ granny pLace w my famiLy. though this yr, elder sis wasnt able to join uS coz she gotta reunion w her hubby famiLy but i hOpe next year she will be able to pop by for awhiLe =)
talked abt the undone packing/clearing, we manage to reach hOme @ 2240 and i had like only 20 mins to mop the whoLe flat and squeeZe aLL mY stufF into "unviewabLe" place before the cLock strike 2300 as 2300 is considered a new day in term of Lunar caLendar.
and... ... . YesH! i did it.. Oopies in term oF engLish Calendar which is like 0000 heheee..
greeted my famiLy with Happy New Year! and i rush off tO meet kT in the caB to bishan junctiOn 8 fOr Constantine..
different ppL will have diff view on this movie.. but i liked some funny/crappy moments in this deviL/angeLs movie. Gist oF the movie? DonT smOke!! as it's bad fOr health heheee!!
buT sOmetimes sOme smOke iS unaVoidabLe.. =P
sLeep zZzzz @ 01:00
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