Monday, February 14, 2005
vDay ~ a day where couples from all over the world celebrates, planning special surprises for one another. a day where roses were so expensive that it cost a bomb and florists must be very happy with the day earnings.
Itinerary oF an unromantic couple v1.0:
Wake Up, wOrk, hOme, zZzzz..
Partly because kT had been oT-ing for the past few weeks till v.Late.. thus i didnt even bother to plan for a dinner. if i were to plan, it might be a supper instead =X
Itinerary oF an unromantic couple v1.1:
in the end we manage to decide to have a simple dim sum dinner near my workpLace after his wk as he dont need to oT for that night. Hah! talking abt special day, think his senior collegue wouldnt wanna oT on vDay too, thus he is able to off-work 'early'.
Itinerary oF an unromantic couple v2.0:
not long after the confirmation of the dinner venue, a call from vV and she managed to tempt me in joining them for sushi dinner at sakaeSentosa saying that they need a photographer too!
Eeyore, the pooh gossip magazine photographer [self-decLare] had a mission now to capture juicy gossip images to share with other gang member wahhaha! but oOps, didnt bring my digicam out coz i wouldnt need a cam for a daily routine from wk back hm. but thanx to the advance technology, there's cameraPhone!
pooh gossip magazine header:
pigLet & mystery man caught @ sentosa
vDay with famiLy
'gOlfing' @ siLoso?
wooh! are they there to catch a glimpse of sPiderman'?
niCe Panorama pic taken bY EeyOre's Assistant!
[but blogger displayed in smaller format]
pigLet trying to bribe me from expOsing them with the 'rOse' *thanX*
everything is fun, but the experience @ sakae spoilt the day, not only to uS but to some other coupLes dinning there too. though there's one nice guy there but to summarise the whole incident..
2 words: damn sLow!
* for more details, pls subscribe to pooh gossip magazine!
aS there's a slimming aKa smOke-quitting deaL gOing on with aL, xL & vV had given me a surpriSe gift to aid my success! *eviL grinZz*


and aFter? [piC looked slimer as compared to the above]

oOops.. i nearLy forgot that kT and me had bought each other a gift during cny shopping & mentally 'labeL' it as cny gift instead.. *knOck my head on waLL to wake up my brain* errRr han, if u manage to see this post.. kT did bought me a gift hehe!
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:17
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