m ^. sLeepysLeep .^
Monday, April 11, 2005
t.a should had notified me on the 2nd April if i am selected for the job vacancy but after waiting for 5 working days, I thought "haiz, should be gone again" and I finally sent out my 1st job application [haha, found it on jobdb, posted in march! most probably the job had been taken] without so-called friends recommendation.

But yesterday, biz manager called and asked if I am able to start work today and I think its kinda rush and request to start work tomorrow instead.

Thus, today is my last day @ h.s.a

My youth was spent in h.s.a for 3.5 yrs. The first IT job right after I graduated. Really thanx von to intro me the job and it was really nice working with a friend in the same company. It is consider long for a temporary position and lotsa ppl had nagged me to change job esp my dad. I knew that he is concern abt my future but i am too lazy to find a new job, dread to go for interviews and I thought should just rot my time with von in the company.

But during the 3.5 yrs, I felt lost at times. thanx to my greatest enemy - laziness.

Ard 3 yrs ago, while the guys were serving our country with pathetic allowance, minimum job prospect coz not every guy wanna signon. I didnt fell under the lowest pay, minimum job prospect category with them as compared to the ladies.
But after 2.5 yrs service with the govt, they had came out to find a better job prospect than me. I eventually fell under the lowest pay, lousiest job prospect category.
Blame it on my laziness. I felt lost.

Ard 2.5 yrs ago, von and xL had asked me to apply for distance learning degree course on the last day of registration with them. I'm too lazy to rush home to get documents for the application and I preferred oversea studies that time coz I would really like to experience something different. Different cultures, different environment, different sceneries. The Differences.

But after 2 yrs of studies, they had become degree holder. I am still a pathetic diploma holder & my bank acct is too miserable to take up even 1 semester course works.
Blame it on my laziness. I felt lost again, losing my direction in attaining a degree cert oversea.

Ard 1 yr plus ago, h.s.a had employed someone to help them cut cost and temp staffs were the 1st to face the chopping broad but von and I had survived till this year.

Really thanx to albert, a great supervisor with no air, happy-go-lucky person, friendly and lots more that only ppl that had worked with him before will knew. He had tried means and ways to help us to extend our stay @ h.s.a and I greatly appreciated that, really.. I was really lucky to have someone like him for my 1st IT job.

But after 1 yr, my projects were all @ maintenance stages and the senior management guy had tried to stop all enhancements though some other guys from other dept will really like to have new systems or enhancement.

I felt quite lost again in the recent month after some job interviews. I really need to find job fast else I will be jobless soon and I wouldnt want my family to worry on my personal life coz I believed I should be responsible to the decisions that I had made. Thus I believed I will not notify them abt the jobless status [if that really happened] and it will be tough to pass the mini dough to my mum each mth.

There's a chinese term, "dont seek advice from senior, and you will get disadvantages sooner or later.. " Yes, when the time arrived, I truly understood my dad concern for me working as temporary staff for such a long time.

Interviewer might wonder why are you working as a temp for so long, are you not capable to be converted into perm staff? Although is due to the fact that the company dont have any to offer but the interviewer wouldnt know.

Employer will quote your the salary based on your last pay and it seems like 3 yrs of experiences is gone to waste as temp staff coz there’s no increment, no benefits and etc throughout the whole 3.5 yrs.. perm dont usually faced such prob.

Just when I wanna get back on my feet to fight my greatest enemy, t.a had asked me over to work for them. I must consider myself lucky as t.a wanna employ me [due to the fact that they really need ppl to rush out something for them]. Though the salary do not justified to my work experience but I think, it’s better than nothing @ the moment. Cause I might still faced irritating interviewers, or companies that will offer the similar stuff that t.a can offered since I am still in a temp staff status.

The older we get, the more commitments we had and we really need a job to survive.

I felt like a little kid that albert and von had taken care of during these 3.5 yrs and I am really greatful to them whom had sheltered me from thunder and storms.. Now, I am on my own expedition and I had to learn the ropes to survive outside my comfort zone on my own.

I was happy on my last day of work with h.s.a, had a form of emotional relieved because I knew that there's a new job waiting for me tmr instead of a day for me to struggle with job interviews. I was happily thinking of what to treat my colleagues for appreciation in anyways that they had helped, was happily telling them that today was my last day @ h.s.a and will be working @ new place from tomorrow onwards. I was busy tying up the loose ends for my systems, busy packing 4-5 boxes of stuffs home that had slowly accumulating @ a mini corner of h.s.a. for 3.5 yrs.

actually throughout the stay @ h.s.a is a happy, slacking time of my life where we temp do actually had an advantage over politics in the company coz we are just peanuts that the ppl wont come bother us haa! and the friendly [not to mention meanies] colleagues that I had known here.

was thankful to:
kt for coming down to carry the stuff for me
von for asking allan to drive me back
allan for driving me back
tianxiang for the lunch treat
albert for the lunch/dinner treats..

thus, my chapters of life with h.s.a had ended happily =))

sLeep zZzzz @ 22:10


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