Friday, May 06, 2005
Tangkak Trip! The long awaited break!
Yeah, the 4 finally managed to travel to tangkak together during this long weekend break. Initial plan was to travel by coach on sat morning and goody relatives of allan will fetch us from the bus terminal to their place for our free accommodation *grinz*
But allan had decided to drive to tangkak himself and as sally & parents were going up to genting this long weekend too, allan decided to set off together with them on fri night and had last min packing of kt and my stuff.
29th - Night Drive to Tangkak.
I'm tired, coz i'm deprived of zzz but i managed to stay awake throughout the whole journey with allan quite constant “Yanxin! Dont Sleep!!” hahaha, a reminder to make himself stay awake when he is boring bah haha! and kt was the 'dJ' of the trip but he managed to pick up the same disc over n over again from the pile of music discs that i wonder why he isnt so lucky over 4D or tOtO =P
dazed my way through the ride enjoying the nightview along the way to tangkak with a mini stopover break at.. where the place ah? *scratch head*
30th – Malacca Trip
reached tangkak at ard 2am and we “sneaked” into allan's aunt hse to zzz till early noon.
After the yummy zzz session, we 'migrated' to allan's cousin place with great sceneries, overlooking mtn ophir - the mountain i wanna conquered many years ago but didnt =(

soon after, we went over to allan's aunt newspaper/hair salon to take a look before heading off for our bah kut teh lunch.

Woh! I got choke by the chilli padi accidentally and when i get choked by chilli, the spiciness level “increase” [do u had the same experience? chilli is not as spicy as until u got choke!] 1st time in my life, i choked on chilli till my ears felt extreme pain but phew, my ears are still functioning well now.

I had my 1st DIY car wash session after lunch and it was always fun playing with water =P

we hit the road again to malacca and its always a challenge to take pics in car with fast travelling speed.

was a little bored in the car and i started a 'photoshoot' session with allan's furballs and von joined in the session =P

was shopping in Mahkota Parade Shopping Mall and had sushi king for dinner. Dishes not available in spore were spotted and i loved the scrambled 'egg', the ramen, the baby coloured series sushi plates, the ultimate heavenly, enormous green tea ice-cream and the ambience.

passed by the sea and stopover to take some late evening shots..

we wanted to do more challenging stunt, climbing up the expressway cement support to pose for pics but muddy sinkable ground was our greatest obstacle. was the 1st to met with muddy experience due to the little lack of XX with kt! allan was laughing away and i comment 'ah dont fall down with von ah, else i will laugh madly! =P' soon, they met with the misfortune too =P and i went 'on shore' quickly snapping shots of them wahahaa!!!

night falls, and we had our supper @ the street hawkers yeah!

01st - whole day of activities!
we were under the same old sky with different facial expression during the trip to XXX for delicious wanton noodle [allan found it so nice that he ate 3 big plates during his last visit!]

and i spotted ppl parachuting!! i also want!! and i think is an activity from tamah negara - a cool place where i enjoyed lotsa fun during a npcc oversea adventure trip walking through forest canopy, rocky cave expedition and getting complaints from strangers for playing chop chilli chop, as 10s over ppl were banging on their door wahhaa =X

upon reaching the wanton noodle stall, i savored the yummy noodle and the bottle of kickapoo recalling the past in pri sch, returning drink stall uncle empty bottle to get back 10cent refund. per bottle cost ard 20-30cents which is real expensive back then and is consider a really gd treat for oneself already. and also recalling the time when i am so young and i wanted to drink kickapoo but i didnt know kickapoo's name and describing all the details of kickapoo logo to my mum but i still didnt succeed in letting mum know what drink i want. -_-"

YEAH! though i didnt conquer mtn ophir yet, but i managed to have my feet stepped on ophir's soil and above me..

and we hiked up to the 1st mini waterfall..

suddenly, the sky decided to have moodswing and.. there was a hugh downpour

sally and parents joined us on the last night and we had mahjongs again! oops, so paiseh coz the family played mahjong during cny only =X and as the mahjong tiles set are diff [lacked of animals and a set of flowers], we played it in a different way using 'fei' as wildcard and game with no tiles needed. this waS tough on me coz i normally need to get 'tile' to game =_=" and the stake is higher. $1, $2 riggit.
i was soooo stress in the game coz i am so not used to it and i must gamed w/o the help of tiles! sally and i crack a stupid joke based on the last mahjong session that i nearly game 13-Odd with snatching her 'gang'. "Let game 13-Odd with snatching ppl's feis hahaha” and its impossible unless the person who threw the 'fei' is really concuss and to let all other player earn extra bucks for that round hhee.
02nd – e last day
as the mahjong session ended @ weeeeee hours, we woke up in the late noon and proceed to segamat for our 'breakfast'. allan claimed that theres a yummy kaya toast stall in segamat but the coffeeshop wasnt open for biz! so we ate @ the opposite coffeeshop

i asked myself early on the road trip, 'why do i love sky viewing so much? should be the clouds and star, such an unique nature beauty and is always viewable as compare to other nature beauty.

maybe i also wish to see rainbow and shooting stars again.. the special guests above us =) and coincidently, we spotted rainbow!!

there were massive jam on the way back to spore, due to the fact that there were many road accidents[5 and above], thus from late noon till night we were on our way back hm and i saw shooting star! or should i say fallen star. i dont think its light reflection or my eyes were playing tricks on me. and i'm really happy, saw rainbow during the day and shooting star at night!! =D
although we didnt achieve most of the main aim for the trip like playing fireworks, durian and seafood feast, but i had different kind of unexpected experiences like catching the glimpse of rainbow and shooting star, mini trekking expedition up mtn ophir and other incidents to recall my happy memories =))
would like to take the chance to thanx kt, von and allan for making this trip possible! yeah!! =D
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:09
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