Saturday, July 31, 2004
Humming: 林俊杰 - 美人鱼 [JJ Lim - Mermaid]
我在沙滩划个圆圈 属于我们安逸世界 不用和别人联机
我不管你来自深渊 也不在乎身上鳞片 爱情能超越一切
只要你在我身边 所有蜚语流言 完全视而不见
请不要匆匆一面 一转身就沉入 海平线
Yes i am damn sick, down with headache 2 days ago and wondering why. pondering? headache is v.normal? ok normally i had migrain instead of headache. and there's only one case! i am down with fever! super heat in my brain is causing my headache. and i finally took panadol only 24 hrs after it started. temperature measure 27.9! sO surprise! highest fever recorded? erm i wonder during the 24 hrs did my brain get itself cooked! omg! hOpe my learning ability, reflex, etc etc will not be affected.
i think the main culprit of these fever & headache is my sore throat! had it a day early before any of his friends come visiting me. =| argh! a little tiny winnie sneeze can be hell to my throat now.
lucky today is sat, some colleague could be enjoying themselves at the company chalet but i glad that i'm rotting, resting, relaxing @ home now hohoho... with sickie sis [oOps] & daddy ard. tOday is my rest day as a part-time hOusewife! =P
was suppose to met up with xL to collect my new spec but was way too tired after work today. hOpe i can get it by tomorrow. cant probably wear my 'miss Lala'
red spec out my home man! [*miss lala - a character in my primary school english workbook? during my time] Had wore contacts for like 5 yrs, time to take a rest for my eyes. [rest my eyes onLy @ zZzz time, really bad for eyes!] but argh! i just bought 1 yr supply. *ponder ponder*

event backlog
Saturday, July 24, 2004
met up with pooh gang & had our usual ktv session. Very creative of them for making pooh 'cash' voucher where forfeit will be mix in the 'money pool'. Forever super unlucky me, managed to get all forfeits? *duhz*
forfeit 1: dumb qns
vV: is there any discount for bday personal?
xX: where to buy ur v.beautiful uniform?
sS: what the name of my kid?
ok.. some misinterpretation of the above qns and it goes something like this during billing time
zZz: is there any discount for bday personal?
GuY: are u a member? there's bday discount voucher along with it *blah blah.. blah*
zZz: my friend find ur uniform v.nice, where to buy it?
GuY: *stun with a dont-know-what-to-do-or-say facial expression*
xXx: Eerr, my friend asking you a qns.
GuY: Err, work here and u'll get it.
zZz: Do u know her kid's name? [pointing to sS]
forgotten what did the guy do actually but should be as below
Guy: settle the bit n pieces of bill payment & walk out of the room 'calmly'.
*poor unlucky guy to be mentally 'torture' by us*
hhhaha 3rd qns, thought sS wanna ask me to ask that guy the name of her kid and not mine. no choice ah all dont have kids, thus when she used the 'my' in her qns, i interpreted as asking the name of her 'kid'.
forfeit 2: pay 50% of the ktv expenses
wooh thanx gals! wanna treat u all actually but u all helped me to save some cash instead lol.
forfeit 3: show urself off!
had make our way to thai express @ esplanade & after enjoying those nice tom yam seafood soup, pineapple rice, curry rice etc, its time for me to foot my bill & they manage to think of a crappy way to sabo me!
xX: erm! u go and ask if u can use this, this, this, these cards [giving those act act qian-bian look]. then when they say ok, tell them u wanna use cash!
brilliant idea! but somehow manage to negotiate till asking the cashier to choose one card from the pile only.
zZz: errr, which cards can be used?
GuY: *took a look, smiling* all can be used but UOB have discount
Supervisor: Oh, since u all have so many cards [erm ard 10 with contribution from xX, vV & sS?], give u all 10% discount. *smiling to us*
zZz: oh thanx alot.
GuY: Which card u wanna used?
zZz: Errr just choose one =)
wahahah! the supervisor must be thinking 'these girls trying so hard, desperate to get discount, give them 10% lah'. wah! so i am not that unlucky though, the forfeit actually helped me save some $$ for the dinner treat whahahaha!!!
soon, we made our way to our sec-sch friend's dad spectacles shop to make my new spec and got discount from my friend's dad hhehee. still need to pay $120 buck though, spec nowadays are v.expensive especially if u wanna have higher index lens to make it look thinner. can imagine how thick will it be w/o index for 700++ degree lens?

event backlog
Friday, July 23, 2004
erm, had a quiet bday this year, feeling old thus had this "it's just another day" feeling. omg! this is not good, should had the 'ren lao xin bu lao [stay young @ heart]' positive feeling instead but, whatever..
rush to tao's restaurant for dinner with kT @ paradiz centre before rushing back to hospital again.
the place is with nice ambience and they served nice earl gray tea [if i am not wrong] which is different from other chinese restaurant. it was a 7-course dinner with some 'fixed' dish meaning same food for both kT & me but still manage to try lotsa different type of dish.
took some photos but not very clear with yellowish effect due to the lack of flash light. dont wanna get extra ingredient if the pplz there thought that we were some spies from other companies! will upload it when the pics is up in my com.
Major discovery! the guy in the tao's advertisement is really working there! isnt it cool?!
back to hospital, receive a tiramisu cake from my sis where she bought it @ element, a cafe in Arama hotel. The cakes sold there are drooling-nice!! but the poor cake was being ill treated by us. Handled quite roughly by us due to the fact that, there were lotsa stuff to carry home that night.
Upon seeing the cake, should have taken a pic to show how badly treated was the cake ehehe. it was squeezed to one corner with a piece of white chocolate lying beside the cake & a piece of starfruit flew, but got itself struck @ the opposite 'wall'.
thanx jie! the cake is niCe!!!
[doubt she will ever read this as she didnt even know the urL]
sLeep zZzzz @ 22:48
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Humming: 林俊杰 - 天使心 [JJ Lim - Angel's Heart]
当你碰到任何困难 我会守在一旁 带你越过每一座山
世界总有光明黑暗 至少有我做伴 就让我陪你到天亮
人心冷漠让你绝望 你有我在身旁 不用到处寻找希望
我这里是 安全地带 配合你的生活节拍 别怀疑有我的存在
你闭上眼 临睡以前 我就会在你耳边 拿走你的心事
Baby 我是你的 Angel
- nodnod there's lotsa angels ard me -
' befOre dad made his way back to hospital again soon after we came to get some stuffs done '
Today's bLog entry is specially dedicated to all housewives out there, especially to my mum.
Housewife, an extraordinary career.
had always felt that being a housewife is not an easy job. 24/7 without any pay, bonus, leave, cpf etc. wiping, sweeping, mopping, washing, cooking, ironing and more! as easy as it seems! but try doing it all in a day and i guarantee u will be dead tired if u are an apprentice.
feLt like a part-time housewife already. gotta be one for the next few mths.
3 cheers for all housewives out there! u are great!
mum had a success operation and is now resting in hospital, hOpe she can be back soon. - miss her already -
don’t think my famiLy will feel like eating hOme for these few weeks with a cOok like me. but no chOice ah! hOwever, only my parent will be my ‘guinea pigs’ coz sisters will not be home often already. *oops my poor parent*
' after dad made his way back hOme from hospital '
i am so proud of my dad. his everlasting care, concern, love for my mum touches me alot =) although he didn’t say out loud, but actions speaks more than words.
he was so tired after so many trips through and fro between home & hospital, but he still wanted to go to hospital to take a look @ my mum as she haven’t get out of the anaesthetic influence state before we left. Though he didn’t say it out, but i believed he was still worried abt my mum.
yes, he was v.tired. i can see that he is trying v.hard to focus his attention while driving & trying v.hard to keep his eyes 'wide' open!
@ that very moment, i wished that i had a driving license to take over his driving, but i don’t have any. i was way too lazy to get one, even getting a basic theory test registered was a chore to me.
i got to be more hardworking! had to get a license soon to backup my dad!
saw my mum in her clear state of mind already =) guess she can discharge sOon =))
she's a great mum, despite being so tired, painful after her ops, she still reminded my dad to get a bDay caKe for me.. *super touched*
a little over midnight & we finaLLy got home after such a long day =) & my dad wished me happy bDay! v.v.touched! he was the 1st, & still remembered it after such a tired day.
i am so gLad & happy that i am one of the member in this famiLy with my great parents & sisters! =)) *sooobzZz*
sLeep zZzzz @ 22:34
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
mum will be admitting to hospital in the afternoon for tomorrow operation
hOpe everything wiLL be fine..
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Dialogues from disK 33, '寻秦记 - A Step Into the Past'
Qin Qing:
Don’t know for what reason, whenever i felt blissful & happy
I am afraid to lose them totally, suddenly.
Xiang Shang Long:
Happiness is actually a glimpse of time.
As long as this moment is happy, it's ok
Who will knows what will happen in the future.
yeah nobody knows what will happen in the next minute so just stay happy.
- Sorry fOr LousY translation -
Thanx kor! for the bDay card! =))
sO cuTe! it's a vertically elongated slim Tatty Card.
TaTTy got himseLf tangled with string whiLe flying a baLLoon.. =)
with koR's Greetings:
See, I didn't forget this year ah! haha =)
seems like it's been very long since poly days liao hor? =)
thanks for always being around to listen to my rubbish, and sharing your advice.
enjoy yourself today, & always..
stay happy! (最重要 - most importantly)
received kor's card earlier and open it once it was in my sight! oops don’t have the habit to store it till my bday.
kkakaka.. yeah, it was years since we known each other on irc crapping ard hahaa =) felt that i am the one with more rubbish & less advices whahhaa! =P
thanx kor! for the cute card & greetings hehee.. =))
yes staying happy is important! seems like it's a common theme when we sent each other bday greeting! hah!
missed the time crapping with friends online, missed the time hopping ard in campus, missed the time cycling to school, missed the pokka mix fruit tea in between breaks, missed the ppL, missed the past.
i am feeling old, this is not good.
sLeep zZzzz @ 10:13
Monday, July 12, 2004
Humming: 陈 颍 见 - 熬夜 [Chen Ying Jian - Staying uP the NighT]
飞呀.. 时间为何那么快的不见
我曾经为你熬夜 只为了做你的生日卡片
一起熬夜 一起准备明天的测验
过了今天 也许只能说再见
为你熬夜 帮你录下你最爱的影片
一起熬夜 一起在网上废话连篇
过了很多天 我们熬过多少夜
就让我唱这首歌 请陪我熬夜到明天
nodnod. time flies and those were the familar feelings when we overnight doing stuffs, chatting up with friends on web, preparing for exams, test, projects =)
Mum: kayTeck coming over tonight?
zZz: Yupyup but no need to cook so much.
Mum: Ah, if known earlier can prepare 1 more chicken drumstick.
zZz popped her head into the kitchen & saw 3 drumsticks wondering whose not coming back for dinner.
oh! elder sis had moved out & han having her orientation camp. Guess soon enough the house will left quite empty with my parent & me only. On a second thoughts, not that bad that i cannot make it for local uni this time round afterall. Gotta go home earlier more frequently.
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Guilt: Self-reproach for supposed inadequacy or wrongdoing.
Yes, there's a feeling of guilt whenever i went hospital visiting with my mum ard =| & its had been years. This feeling had come back to me again.
Years ago, when i still 'young' with 'not much brain', i didn’t really know that every surgery will have risk even though the rate of success is high & was a common one. Thus, i didn’t really make it to visit my mum when she was going though an operation to remove some cyst[?] in her neck.
Coz i was working part-time & couldn’t really find ppl to take over my work, and by the time i reach the hospital it will be way after visiting hours. I should have throw in my resignation letter @ the ediotic supervisor's face! YES. she is ediotic, thinking that she is the greatest in the company! Yeah Right.. *my FOOT*
Ok, what's not done was not done, i cant probably go back to the past & throw my resignation letter @ the ediotic's face nor i can go and visit my mum before & after her operation. Thus, i shall just live on with my guilt.
PpL, family member are ones that showered u with unconditional loves, care & concern etc for most cases, thus treasure them!
sLeep zZzzz @ 14:20
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Humming: John Secada - Just Another Day
I, I don't wanna say it
I, I don't wanna find another way
To make it through the day without you
I, I can't resist
Trying to find exactly what I miss
It's just another day without you
It's just another day
Warning! FoLLowing fLashs are rating NC16..
zZz: I/C pls~
Personally i loved Madness Combat the mosT!
dont u think the cute pillowman behind swaying away is soo funny with the cute music! sound like TP chicky song.. or it is?!
» Marsh-Mellow-Madness
» Madness Combat
» Madness Redeemer
» Madness Advenger
sLeep zZzzz @ 22:54
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Humming: Five For Fighting - Superman [SmallviLLe OsT]
It may sound absurd
But don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed
But won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me
Had been getting quite easily frustrated, due to my sleeping 'disorder' lately? =|
Thanx han, for ur eeyore! Really brighten my night & chase those hateful headaches that i had for days away for a while =)
Watch spiderman2 last night & i am actually glad that i caught it in cinema which i initially didn't really want to watch though i watched spiderman. Don't really remember the full details of spiderman but just felt that spiderman2 is better with more comical & touching content.
Felt that peter parker is so pitiful, having a hard time trying to meet his end & coping with his studies/life as a student. Sustaining his love for Mary Jane, fearing any harm that may befalls on her.
Yes, every human being need a break from time to time, even super heroes.
He looked so happy, carefree just being a normal student but he knew that he had sacrifices to make, in order to save the world.
The ending is sweet, heroes will always be together with beauties and both of them were happily together. But on a side note, don't u think Mary Jane shouldn't left the 'groom' at the aisle 'alone' on the wedding date itself? Should had made things clear earlier..
I was never born to be an organiser, nobody is but well i know there's a 1st time for everything & seems like i had 'took up' the role of 'organising' my family genting/kL trips & mtn ophir trip with friends. Where to book those hotels, where's the nearest hotel to our destination, where to get ranger up mtn ophir with us, how to get there? sO clueless on everything!
oK family trip is easier to plan, all i had to do is to ensure that everyone will have a roof on their head when night falls as my dad will be driving in himself. But as for mtn ophir, haven’t organise any trips before not to say similar trips. & when i didn’t even have a trip there before, how on earth am i suppose to know what to do, though heard from other ppls' experience that i need a ranger/guide up with us now.
Just hope that everything will not become a disaster!
sLeep zZzzz @ 12:28
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Humming: Geri Halliwell - Calling
The moon is high on me and you
Is my message breaking through?
Darkened skies that once were blue are falling
So hear me now
oH.. i am really born to be an OwL, i can easily immune to stay up wide awake till unearthly hour doing my stuff then to wake up early in the morning! haaa, even my mum told me that i am the naughtiest kid among my siblings, always wide awake during unearthly hour & zZzz like a piG during daytime when i was a baby! hehehee

sO my 'earLy' sleeping time is cultivated since young!
hooOoo! hOpe that i can drag myself out of bed if there's any canoeing session in a few hours time! buT i am still sOoo wide aWake now!~
sLeep zZzzz @ 05:22
Friday, July 02, 2004
Humming: The Calling - Where Ever You Will Go
So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
cant seems to play some song on my blog, izzit the server the i host my song having problem or? *grumbles*
came across 'The Calling - Where Ever You Will Go' bY chance while i was searching on 'Geri Halliwell - Calling' . Dont you think is song is sooooo niCe & saD? though i didnt have much infO on the band itself..
wahaaa sis was viewing her newLy uploaded pics on web, & dad saw it
dad: the border very ugly, remove it..
zZz: err.. the background design[quite messy] oR the frame[orange]?
dad: very ugly, remove it lah. especially the single portrait shot.
zZz: wAHahaaHAaa!!!! [manage to get the 'JoKe'?]
Thursday, July 01, 2004
went to somerset carpark 'hawker' to eat.. hohohoh.. @ 1st i thought the place will be very crowded & with lotsa foods to eat! but to my surprise the area is quite small in size but there were different range of food there with not much pplz ard coz its a late thursday/early friday morning supper.
wanted to eat soOoo many food!! prata, mee soto, fried prawn mee, oyster omelettes w/o oyster?!!

fried carrot cake, bbQ chicken wings, satays, seafood-sting ray etc...
the carrot cake + bbQ chicken wings stall is my faV stall! hahaa.. okOk.. i onLy ate shares of carrot cake, chicken wings & fried hokkien meee.... *drOoLzz*
the white, hot, spicy carrot cake is sooooo yummy!!!! whhaa might be applicable to me only! but not much ppl can cooked white carrot cake till soooo yummy ok!!
pLus the staLLs holders/helpers are all so friendly! seems like they really enjoyed their work there.. *enVy* i also wanna be a hawker whhaa!
the only stall i remembered is tampines round market! but i havent ate from that stalls years ago due to the fact that i am lazy to wake up early in the morning even when i am few kilometers away from the market onLy.. why do i need to wake up early in da morning? erm coz by ard 1100, the stall will be out of stock for my carrot cake! bOoo..
sLeep zZzzz @ 17:08