Sunday, February 27, 2005
wooooh! kite fLying day!!
remembered years ago when kT was just enlisted as nsf to serve the country which most guys in spOre cant escape, i had a list of activities planned for him to enjoy during the precious weekends when he booked out. but oh well, laziness won times and times again and YES! i didnt bring him to any of the places i had listed down in my mini notebook and.. kite flying @ marina bay was one of them.
had made a suggestion to vV & aL previously that they can go dating @ marina bay ~kite flying. and one fine day, vV 'dated' kt & me out to fly kite @ marina bay with aL. i guess, they might had that idea in mind before my suggestion & as i mention to them before hahaha! they 'dated' the old boring couple to join them. =))
soaring 'high'

coz its a kite-running-session instead due to the lack of wind!

or maybe a tug-a-war!

e old boring coupLe

'happy little kid'

still v.happy..

happy auntie *arghz*

one of my faV photo
vV & aL wanted to sneak shot the 'coupLe' behind, so they 'posed' for me. but i proposely add them into the picture hohooohoo! *look @ their grinz* but wahahhahaa! i got the last grinz coz its a 'yi jian shuang diao' or 'killing 2 birds with 1 stone' [english translation] success sneak shot *eviL grinz*

vV thanx for the date! hahaa! sorta fulfil something i wanna do but lazy to do hehee =P
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:49
Monday, February 14, 2005
vDay ~ a day where couples from all over the world celebrates, planning special surprises for one another. a day where roses were so expensive that it cost a bomb and florists must be very happy with the day earnings.
Itinerary oF an unromantic couple v1.0:
Wake Up, wOrk, hOme, zZzzz..
Partly because kT had been oT-ing for the past few weeks till v.Late.. thus i didnt even bother to plan for a dinner. if i were to plan, it might be a supper instead =X
Itinerary oF an unromantic couple v1.1:
in the end we manage to decide to have a simple dim sum dinner near my workpLace after his wk as he dont need to oT for that night. Hah! talking abt special day, think his senior collegue wouldnt wanna oT on vDay too, thus he is able to off-work 'early'.
Itinerary oF an unromantic couple v2.0:
not long after the confirmation of the dinner venue, a call from vV and she managed to tempt me in joining them for sushi dinner at sakaeSentosa saying that they need a photographer too!
Eeyore, the pooh gossip magazine photographer [self-decLare] had a mission now to capture juicy gossip images to share with other gang member wahhaha! but oOps, didnt bring my digicam out coz i wouldnt need a cam for a daily routine from wk back hm. but thanx to the advance technology, there's cameraPhone!
pooh gossip magazine header:
pigLet & mystery man caught @ sentosa
vDay with famiLy
'gOlfing' @ siLoso?
wooh! are they there to catch a glimpse of sPiderman'?
niCe Panorama pic taken bY EeyOre's Assistant!
[but blogger displayed in smaller format]
pigLet trying to bribe me from expOsing them with the 'rOse' *thanX*
everything is fun, but the experience @ sakae spoilt the day, not only to uS but to some other coupLes dinning there too. though there's one nice guy there but to summarise the whole incident..
2 words: damn sLow!
* for more details, pls subscribe to pooh gossip magazine!
aS there's a slimming aKa smOke-quitting deaL gOing on with aL, xL & vV had given me a surpriSe gift to aid my success! *eviL grinZz*


and aFter? [piC looked slimer as compared to the above]

oOops.. i nearLy forgot that kT and me had bought each other a gift during cny shopping & mentally 'labeL' it as cny gift instead.. *knOck my head on waLL to wake up my brain* errRr han, if u manage to see this post.. kT did bought me a gift hehe!
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:17
Friday, February 11, 2005
i'm a super stoned chix this year and i shouldnt be sO stoned as itS my year! maybe it's due to the fact that i zZzz ard 4-5am in the morning for few days & like waking up early for the next few days..
annuaL tPss steambOat Gathering @ jOnes pLace
dinner w lotsa old faces & some new faces @ the dinning tabLe is really nice as we dont manage to get-to-gather often nowadays as all oF us had diff goals and directions in life after graduating from sec sch.
sOon, dinning area was converted to a gambling den! and mOst of them were playing blackJack
~A card game in which the object is to accumulate cards with a higher count than that of the dealer but not exceeding 21. waS a little tempted to pLay but somehOw i was so stOned that i find myself taking ~5sec to cal. the total count of other ppL card! Zzzzz..
whiLe engrossing myself with "Hero", a sudden nudge on my head by jOnes to indicted someOne had reached and how stOne can i be?!! "Happy ChineSe New YeaR!" signal was sent out by the brain to the mouth for output but transmission error is detected!!
finaL Output: "Hello! HapPy birthdaY!!"
DUHz!! the scenarios was like "MasterCard, priceless aDs"
steamBoat dinner: ~$100
monthLy scV subscription feE: ~$50
Expression on their Faces: PriceLess!! -_-"
rounding uP my uLtra stOned day by meeting crappy gang @ tM watching "i dO i dO" with earLy breakfasT @ tampines 201 prata shOp.
sLeep zZzzz @ 15:48
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Happy Birthday 2 You..
Happy Birthday 2 You..
Happy Birthday 2 Papa!!
Happy Birthday 2 You..
HappY famiLy mOvie tiMe ~

- oK, i just realised that when i post my post @ midnight.. it will reflect as 1am?!! Duhz!! i fOund a BuG!!
after e daTe with zMonsteroOps woke up late and rushed to meet kT for his bDaY lunchie @ fish&cO -parkMall..
:: Seafood Patter for 2
Platter oF seasOnal fiSh, caLamari, pRawns & musseLs in creamY garLic & LemOn butteR sauCe [changed mussels to another piece of fish]
with complete meal : soup of e day~frenchOnion & beverage~passionFruit
:: JungLe FreeZe
A refreshing thirst quencher w pineappLes, rambuTans & aLL e eXotic fruiTs frOm e TropiCs!
:: PrawnSaLad w Pasta

Ooooh! i had bad experience @ fish&cO-tM but the service here is exceLLent! topUp uR sauces/drinks w/o reQuest.. genuine friendly smiLe on their faces etc.. Thumb-uPs!!
and e PrawnSaLad w Pasta is niCe!!! erm, maybe applicable to me only 8) and i felt aDdicted to it aLready! and i had a taste of the giant freeZe finally, with the generous portion oF seaFood from the Seafood Patter for 2 [mayBe its the exchange oF musseLs tO fiSh that made uS sOooo fuLL haha!]

felt liKe a happY piggie @ the end oF the meaL which is ready fOr slaughter hahaaA

Have U heard oF MagicBean befOre? oKie, that's one oF the pressies i gave kayTeck

well that's the end of piggie's enjOyment..
reach hM @ 1500+ and was like a Mad pig running ard e fLat.. clearing/packing my room. timeUp! but only 75% done thuS i gotta cont afTer the reunion dinneR! =| that's the consequences for being Lazy and left the packing to the very last minuTe!!
sOon, we were on our waY to grannY hse for our annuaL reunion dinneR!
great food! great companions! great heaT! -_-"
aLthough the heat is nearLy quite unbearable, but i loved having the annual steamboat renioun dinner @ granny pLace w my famiLy. though this yr, elder sis wasnt able to join uS coz she gotta reunion w her hubby famiLy but i hOpe next year she will be able to pop by for awhiLe =)
talked abt the undone packing/clearing, we manage to reach hOme @ 2240 and i had like only 20 mins to mop the whoLe flat and squeeZe aLL mY stufF into "unviewabLe" place before the cLock strike 2300 as 2300 is considered a new day in term of Lunar caLendar.
and... ... . YesH! i did it.. Oopies in term oF engLish Calendar which is like 0000 heheee..
greeted my famiLy with Happy New Year! and i rush off tO meet kT in the caB to bishan junctiOn 8 fOr Constantine..
different ppL will have diff view on this movie.. but i liked some funny/crappy moments in this deviL/angeLs movie. Gist oF the movie? DonT smOke!! as it's bad fOr health heheee!!
buT sOmetimes sOme smOke iS unaVoidabLe.. =P
sLeep zZzzz @ 01:00
Monday, February 07, 2005
五月天 - 倔强 [Mayday - ]
当 我和世界不一样 那就让我不一样
坚持对我来说 就是以刚克刚
我 如果对自己不行 如果对自己说谎
即使别人原谅 我也不能原谅
我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望
This is the zth time i had those sore throat feeling for the past few mths and i am getting quite frustrated with it!! arghzZZZzzz!!! and i am trying to drown myself with h20 now.. =(
tmr will be cny'eve and i havent pack my rm.. omgz.. and it is really in a BIG mess! seriously i believed i wouldnt be able to zZzzz tonight!!
was supposed to pack my room! but the timing is not right yet.. i am weird coz i had the packing 'feeling' only during wee hours.. =|
sO... i was sorting my phoTos again! WHAhaAHahaAHAAA!!!!
[picture story from last year xmas!]
Mediator Comes aLong..
sLeep zZzzz @ 17:20
Thursday, February 03, 2005
erm, had wanted to link up some photos to this blog but was a little lazy for the moment.. [will do that when i had more time]
was 'flipping' through my digi photos and i realised that my fatty 3650 is really a nice camera phone but booohooohooo.. the phone was a little faulty and i had traded him for k700i.. fatty pls forgive me.. booohoohooo.. maybe i should buy back fatty 3650 when the market value isnt there anymore haha *eviL grinz* but i think i need to wait long long!~
k700i was good too but i prefer fatty phone.. arghz and i didnt know that s700i while be out soon after i traded fatty 3650 for k700i sobz..
some pics by fatty 3650 gatsby & clouds over sle
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:47