Friday, June 24, 2005
i am going for my diving lesson tentatively on the 4th - 10th JuLy
sLeep zZzzz @ 11:27
Sunday, June 19, 2005
wooohoooo, managed to catch the premier of initialD at gv tiong bahru during their family day event! as it was free seating, i was prepared to stand/seat at the stairs at the back of the cinema for the ~2hrs movie. but the event coordinator wanted everyone to get a seat else got to leave the cinema. Zzzzz but nvm, kt and i got a seat at the 1st row, corner seat.
before the movie starts, i was thinking it wasn’t that bad after all having such a “close” experience for such “action” movie. thus i was happy that i was sitting so near! *grinz* was quite a spectacular sight to see the cars drift right before me.
crappy funny in some scenes, wasn’t crappy funny in plain text but imo, its crappy funny when the actor acted out the scenes!
Bunta Fujiwara – Yuuichi Tachibana:
“one day he was telling me that there’s something wrong with his eyes so i bought him to the optician for checkup. after the checkup, the optician mentions that there’s nothing wrong with his eyes 20/20. so i told him, don’t try to be funny, not afraid that i will bashed you up? he then told me, "when i was driving, everything seems to be getting slower and slower." at that moment, i realize he is getting faster and faster.. ”
the puking scenes of Itsuki Tachibana and Yuuichi Tachibana after taking a ride round Mt Akina from Takumi Fujiwara and Bunta Fujiwara respectively.
touching scenes,
though Bunta Fujiwara was seen as an abusive dad, but knowing how devastated Takumi Fujiwara was after his precious AE86 broke down during an impromptu challenge from Kyouichi Sudou causing him to lose the race, he spent days and nights repairing and setting up a racer engine for Takumi in the risk of getting caught for illegal car modifying.
racing scenes,
so-so, normal? its different from those racing movies but the focus is how prefect the drift is being executed on those downhill roads.
the plot,
“having a high school tofu delivery boy as the no.1 downhill racer in Mt Akina” is common but i liked haha!
the scenaries,
nice scenaries at the start of the movie, CoooooooooL!
the movie may fail some expectation for comic lovers of initialD but I felt that its real hard to be the same as what ppl imagined from reading the comics. thus, enter the theater with a “tranquility” heart and enjoy the movie.
find the world that belongs to you
-Initial D*editedeven newpaper jounalist comment the scenario i mentioned in crappy scene 1 is worth the money in the show
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:57
Friday, June 17, 2005
Haha, I am glad to know that I wanna move out of this company, don’t think I will be a programmer any much longer in this company. Either I will be trained as a presale personale or an administrative staff.
someone were asking me if I am interested in preSale, didn’t know wth was that till he explained the jobscope of preSale to me. Basically it is like some sale ppl going to companies to promote their products. also commented that preSale can earn lotsa $$$ so i replied that my comm skill is lousy etc to let them know I am not interested in preSale.
during one of the training/meeting with a preSale personale for a new product the company is buying, manager introduced me as “zzz is the technical staff here and will be trained for presale” !!! I thought I mentioned before I'm not interested in preSale.
on another scenarios,
V ask me for company phonelist when he knew D had it [don’t he know that I just joined the company? I wouldn’t have the list if he himself don’t have it]
But I requested the list from D and pass it to V and V happily update it.
D knew the updated list was with V but he asked me to forward the list to the company staffs.
told V that D want to forward the phonelist to company staffs [from what I remember he say he will forward it] but he didn’t do it before his long holiday leave
SO D called and asked about the phonelist today and i told him I already informed V to forward the list but at the end of the conversation, it seems that I was assigned the job to forward the phone list.
D knew V had the list and will be coming back tmr, cant he called him to forward the list to us? great! I got to add every single email one by one to my email contact list!
i'm already so bz with my current system trying to solve errors and bugs, but i still need to do all these adminstrative stuff.
WTH!*edited i only knew V joined the company later then me after he quitted. but still, cant V and D get the list from each other?!! and spare me from being the 3rd party.
sLeep zZzzz @ 18:21
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
i hate myself.. for losing temper at my loved ones.
was suffering serious moodswing recently and stress level was always way above 9/10. i got to win this battle soon.
guess i would be quitting my job soon, w/o a job on hand. was it a right choice? i dont know. i only knew if i dont quit, i will just rot my time away like what i did in h.s.a. i cant start my jobhunt now as i am still rushing for the completion of the system so i really hope everything can be done once and for all by this wk.
i really dread clinging on to a 9-5 job, i knew it since my days in sec sch but sad to say i was still a routine office worker since grad and i am getting really tired of it. but what other jobs are there for me?
life-saver? i havent complete my pool lifeguard course. swimming instructor? nah, havent had the chance to take up the course. crime scene investigator? got to waste 2 years as a neighbourhood policewoman? i'm not getting any younger. dive instructor? if i manage to get my 1st diving course started.
everytime i wanted to take the step towards my interest job, something is holding me back. the fear of incapability in the field that i am so foreign/lost touch with. "ppl will get more resistent to changes as they grew older" and i am slowly falling into such catergory for the fear to explore/expose new stuff get stronger and stronger as time passed by. i hated it, i really hate it. will i fall back to the endless loop over and over again? =(
anyway, got to know a lame joke today for sharing.
“There was once a matchstick who scratched its head. Then it died.”
sLeep zZzzz @ 00:50
Friday, June 10, 2005
bought a cpu with kt on sunday, 050605 using our jointAcct[JA]. bought the hardwares according to Luppie's friend's specification but we need extra harddisk and cd r/w rom. thus! booooooo, not enough $$ from our JA which is so pathetic [which couple JA is as misearable as us? NO! no one!] and the extra stuff was deducted from my own acct 1st coz i just got my cannot-make-it pay [actually i still own JA $$$ *sianz*]
raY - zZz: wah, how much $$ in ur JA?
zZz - raY: oH, no more! thus we need to pay using diff acct.
raY - aLL: wah! their money not for their wedding one!
cL - aLL: oh! when my grandchildren married liao they still havent ah!
zZz - cL: okie! remember to give me red eggies to eat!
YES! the bank is drained already! -___________________________-"
BUT, YEAH! finally can play wc with them from hm! wooohoooo! but i'm still so lousy! *spitz* and i dont have the time now to explore the new maps *sighz* so let kT enjoy 1st haha!
sLeep zZzzz @ 08:10
Monday, June 06, 2005
Kay Teck, a guy that belongs to the extinct species and some ppl term them as dino. So kt had became my dino porkpork.. He’s really a good guy helping friends, most commonly will be on programming assignments and etc but towards me he needs another height of torolence.
I can be a real meanie, whinie, tigeress and more but he just took it as a pinch of salt =D
Thanx for cheering up my day when I am pissed.. “on fire” is crappy and I felt instantly cheered up with his crappiness.. and I need to hide my laugher/expression and had some internal injuries!

Thanx for sharing my joy when I manage to solve some bugs in the system.. whole screen of hopping turtles heheee..

A Pat on my shoulder, “Don’t worry, you still have me to support you, but we need to eat grass lah hehee”
he was there cheering me up during my shitty career journey, though he wasn’t earning much but hearing that from him is really comforting in those shitty scenarios.. I’m still in the shitty journey but hopefully I will be out of it soon. Don’t wanna stinked for the rest of my life manz!
Thanx for being there for me =D HappY 5th Anniversary!!
sLeep zZzzz @ 23:39
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
izzit a start of a month a new start of something? not for me..
i am still struck with the old system which i didnt manage to finish on time. damnit! and i looked like a dead walking zombie that managers thought i am sick! *sighz* seems like this month wasnt going to be a gd start for me.
sLeep zZzzz @ 11:10